What other languages use the same data model as Python?

Gregory Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sun May 1 18:33:08 EDT 2011

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> Python uses a data model of "name binding" and "call by object" (also 
> known as "call by sharing").

It can be summed up in a less jargony way by saying that all
data is stored in heap-allocated objects, and variables refer
to objects rather than containing them directly. Everything
else follows from that.

> What other languages use the same, or mostly similar, data model as 
> Python?

Pretty much any dynamically-typed language: Lisp, Scheme,
Smalltalk, Snobol, Icon, Postscript, Ruby, Lua, ...

Some languages have it for some data types but not others.
Java, VB, Objective-C come to mind.


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