How to build an application in Django which will handle Multiple servers accross network
Anurag Agarwal
anurag26 at
Mon May 2 04:19:25 EDT 2011
Hi All,
Thanks for the resposes.
I think I was not able to communicate my problem very well.
Here I am not managing any network devices, what i am doing is getting
some info from various servers on netowrk. I don't know how to explain
what kind of info is needed, but for the time if you just assume that
a driver for windows and linux is already written which has command
line interface too which gets certain info about server. Now the
information returned by this driver software from each server is to be
shown at a common place. For this I am planning a web based
application that can connect to each individual server and get the
info and show it on UI.
For this to happen i need some interface to which my web based
application (to be developed in Django and Python) can connect to each
server in network and call the driver methods on that server to get
the info.
I hope now i am clear with my thoughts. Please mail me back if still I
am not clear.
The solutions I got
1. Using WMI on windows but how it will work on Linux?.
2. Pyro which supports remote objects.
3. Open NMS - it is a java based open source project, we don't have
any expertise in java... I want something that can be integrated with
python and django.
4. ZenOSS - It is for managing some IP based devices on network.. I
don't know how it will help me.
Please give me some ideas on python even it needs some development
On Apr 29, 5:21 pm, Adam Tauno Williams <awill... at>
> On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 13:24 +0200, Paul Kölle wrote:
> > Am 29.04.2011 12:01, schrieb Adam Tauno Williams:
> > >> 3. The web based application will be used internally in the network to
> > >> moniter servers in that network only.
> > > You mean like OpenNMS or ZenOSS?
> > >> 4. Web based application will be a real time application with a
> > >> Database.
> > > Like OpenNMS or ZenOSS?
> > How can they be realtime if they generate static images?
> All images are static regardless of how much they pretend not to be.
> You can refresh as much as you like. But a graph shows a progression
> over time so there is always an interval.
> > >> 5. Technology I am thingking for web based application is Django and
> > >> Python as this web application can also be installed on Windows or
> > >> Linux based OS.
> > > If you want real-time monitoring you *must* build a service; a 'web app'
> > > can *not* do that.
> > Do you mean an agent?
> No, just use WMI over the wire. Agents are terrible, hard to develop,
> unreliable, and everyone hates agents. The systems already provide you
> access to the information you are talking about.
> > >> 6. Also please suggest which third party tool for chatrs and graphs I
> > >> should use with Django (open source + paid)
> > > ZenOSS and OpenNMS do graphs using RRD.
> > I know this is the "standard" but IMO it's totally backward these days.
> > Correlating or selecting/deselecting certain values is painful
> >(you have to write a graph def)
> How is it painful? Of course you have to create a graph definition - in
> your case you are creating a graph definition BY WRITING CODE! There
> couldn't be a more painful way to just create a graph.
> Have you used recent versions of ZenOSS? Graph definitions can be
> created right in the UI.
> > . With <canvas> and modern JS libs like raphael
> > there are better ways to do this. Just look at google analytics.
> I've seen it. I don't see how it is "better". It's a graph.
> > It looks like PCP ( will
> > gain a JSON interface shortly. That would be awesome because PCP is
> > developed by real engineers and has a proper architecture and is NOT a
> > CPU sucking monstrosity of PERL-line-noise + a few hacked-together PHP
> > frontends.
> I have no idea where the "PERL-line-noise + a few hacked-together PHP
> frontend" comment comes from. RRD is written in C. OpenNMS is Java and
> ZenOSS is Python/ZOPE.
> And as for "CPU sucking monstrosity" that is what everyone says... until
> they try to build a monitoring application... and thus create their own
> "CPU sucking monstrosity". This is a case of
> those-who-refuse-to-use-are-doomed-to-reinvent.
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