PyCon Australia 2011: Early Bird Closing Soon
Ryan Kelly
ryan at
Sat May 28 09:42:18 EDT 2011
Hi Everyone,
A reminder that Early Bird Registrations for PyCon Australia 2011 will
be closing soon. There are only a few days left to get your tickets at
the discounted rate.
PyCon Australia is Australia's only conference dedicated exclusively to
the Python programming language, and will be held at the Sydney Masonic
Center over the weekend of August 20 and 21. See below for more
information and updates on:
1. Early-Bird Registration Closing Soon
2. Presentations Selected
3. More Sponsors Announced
Please pass this message on to those you feel may be interested.
Early-Bird Registration Closing Soon
Early-bird registration closes at the end of May, so you've only got
a few days left to get your tickets at the special discounted rate.
We offer three levels of registration for PyCon Australia 2011.
Registration provides access to two full days of technical content
presented by Python enthusiasts from around the country, as well as the
new classroom track and a seat at the conference dinner.
Full (Early Bird) - $165
This is the registration rate for regular attendees. We are offering
a limited Early Bird rate for the first 50 registrations until the
end of May.
Once the early-bird period ends, Full Registration will be $198.
Corporate - $440
If your company is paying for you to attend PyCon, please register
at the corporate rate. You'll be helping to keep the conference
affordable for all.
Student - $44
For students able to present a valid student card we're offering
this reduced rate, which does not include the conference dinner.
All prices include GST. For more information or to register, please
visit the conference website.
Register here:
Presentations Selected
We have had a fantastic response to our Call For Proposals this year.
While the detailed talk schedule is still being finalised, we are
pleased to announce that the following presentations have been selected
for the conference:
Standard Talks:
A Python on the Couch (Mark Rees)
Behaviour Driven Development (Malcolm Tredinnick)
Benchmarking stuff made ridiculously easy (Tennessee Leeuwenburg)
Bytecode: What, Why, and How to Hack it (Ryan Kelly)
Developing Scientific Software in Python (Duncan Gray)
Fun with App Engine 1.5.0 (Greg Darke)
Hosting Python Web Applications (Graham Dumpleton)
How Python Evolves (and How You Can Help Make It Happen) (Nick Coghlan)
Infinite 8-bit Platformer (Chris McCormick)
Networking Libraries in Python. (Senthil Kumaran)
Pants - Network Programming Made Easy (Evan Davis)
Say What You Mean: Meta-Programming a Declarative API (Ryan Kelly)
State of CPython and Python Ecosystem (Senthil Kumaran)
Sysadmins vs Developers, a take from the other side of the fence (Benjamin Smith)
Teaching Python to the young and impressionable (Katie Bell)
The NCSS Challenge: teaching programming via automated testing (Tim Dawborn)
Weather field warping using Python. (Nathan Faggian)
Zookeepr: Home-grown conference management software (Brianna Laugher)
In-Depth Talks:
Ah! I see you have the machine that goes "BING"! (Graeme Cross)
Easy site migration using Diazo and Funnelweb (Adam Terrey)
How to maintain big app stacks without losing your mind (Dylan Jay)
Introduction to the Geospatial Web with GeoDjango (Javier Candeira)
Panel: Python 3 (Richard Jones)
Panel: Python in the webs (Richard Jones)
Pyramid: Lighter, faster, better web apps (Dylan Jay)
Web micro-framework battle (Richard Jones)
Classroom Track:
Meta-matters: using decorators for better Python programming (Graeme Cross)
Python 101+ (Peter Lovett)
Python's dark corners - the bad bits in Python and how to avoid them (Peter Lovett)
Python for Science and Engineering, Part 1 (Edward Schofield)
Python for Science and Engineering, Part 2 (Edward Schofield)
The Zen of Python (Richard Jones)
Thanks again to everyone who submitted a proposal.
More Sponsors Announced
We are delighted to announce that WingWare and Superior Recruitment have
joined as Silver Sponsors. Thank you to the following companies for
their continuing support of Python and for helping to make PyCon
Australia 2011 a reality:
Gold: Google <>
Gold: ComOps <>
Silver: Anchor <>
Silver: Enthought <>
Silver: Python Software Foundation <>
Silver: WingWare <>
Silver: Superior Recruitment <>
Thanks also to Linux Australia, who provide the overarching legal and
organisational structure for PyCon Australia.
Ryan Kelly
PyCon Australia 2011
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