searching in list

Dave Angel davea at
Mon May 30 09:27:33 EDT 2011

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, vino19 wrote:
> I want to make a function that is called only once per one argument. I mean I want to store data of function calling to prevent calling it again if there is no need.
> How to make it? For example I can make a global list that just consist of tuples
> [(arg1, res1), (arg2, res2), ...]. Ok, how to search if an arg135 in that list?
> Thanks for answering

Usual answer is to use a dict.  You can convert a list of tuples to a 
dict by    dict(mylist)

Second choice is to keep the list sorted, and use the bisect module. 
But usually a dictionary is better.


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