Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmichel at sequans.com
Mon May 2 09:06:48 EDT 2011
anvar wrote:
> Hello,
> Could you please help me with the modeling in Python the following
> problem: (e.g., g_t means g with index t)
> Min∑_(i=1)^n▒∑_(t=1)^l▒[s_i (t)-min[s ̂_i (t)×α_t×exp(g_t ),C_i
> (t) ] ]^2
> subject to
> s_i (t)=f_i (t)[S_i+f_(i-1) (t)[S_(i-1)+f_(i-2) (t)[S_(i-2)+⋯f_2 (t)
> [S_2+f_1 (t) S_1 ]…] ] ][1-f_(i+1) (t)]
> f_i (t)=F_i (t)-F_i (t-1)
> F_i (t)=(((1-e^(-(X_i (t)-X_i (0) )(p_i+q_i ) )))/(((q_i⁄p_i ) e^(-
> (X_i (t)-X_i (0) )(p_i+q_i ) )+1)), if t≥τ_i and F_i (t)=0 if
> t<τ_i
> X_i (t)=(t-τ_i+1)+ln(〖pr〗_i (t)/〖pr〗_i (0))β
> α_t≥0, g_t=const
> 0<p_i<1, 0<q_i<1
> S_i>0,
> ∀i=1,2,…,n
> Where
> s ̂_i (t)=p_i S_i +(q_i-p_i ) s_i (t-1)-(q_i/S_i ) [s_i (t-1) ]^2,
> S_i=μ_i (t)M_i
Nice joke.
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