How to access elemenst in a list of lists?
James Mills
prologic at
Sun May 8 23:31:30 EDT 2011
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
>> Just learning python.
>> I can see that I can address an individual element of a list of lists by
>> doing something like:
>> row = list[5]
>> element = row[3]
This is the correct approach.
Here's an interactive example (tested):
$ python
Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Feb 8 2011, 10:07:16)
[GCC 4.5.1] on linux2
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>>> grid = [[" " for x in range(5)] for y in range(5)]
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(grid)
[[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']]
>>> grid[2][2] = "X"
>>> pprint(grid)
[[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', 'X', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']]
-- James Mills
-- "Problems are solved by method"
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