unicode by default
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu May 12 16:42:45 EDT 2011
On 5/12/2011 12:17 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:
> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 1:58 AM, John Machin<sjmachin at lexicon.net> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 12, 2011 4:31 pm, harrismh777 wrote:
>>> So, the UTF-16 UTF-32 is INTERNAL only, for Python
>> NO. See one of my previous messages. UTF-16 and UTF-32, like UTF-8 are
>> encodings for the EXTERNAL representation of Unicode characters in byte
>> streams.
> Right. *Under the hood* Python uses UCS-2 (which is not exactly the
> same thing as UTF-16, by the way) to represent Unicode strings.
I know some people say that, but according to the definitions of the
unicode consortium, that is wrong! The earlier UCS-2 *cannot* represent
chars in the Supplementary Planes. The later (1996) UTF-16, which Python
uses, can. The standard considers 'UCS-2' obsolete long ago. See
or http://www.unicode.org/faq/basic_q.html#14
The latter says: "Q: What is the difference between UCS-2 and UTF-16?
A: UCS-2 is obsolete terminology which refers to a Unicode
implementation up to Unicode 1.1, before surrogate code points and
UTF-16 were added to Version 2.0 of the standard. This term should now
be avoided."
It goes on: "Sometimes in the past an implementation has been labeled
"UCS-2" to indicate that it does not support supplementary characters
and doesn't interpret pairs of surrogate code points as characters. Such
an implementation would not handle processing of character properties,
code point boundaries, collation, etc. for supplementary characters."
I know that 16-bit Python *does* use surrogate pairs for supplementary
chars and at least some properties work for them. I am not sure exactly
what the rest means.
> However, this is entirely transparent. To the Python programmer, a
> unicode string is just an abstraction of a sequence of code-points.
> You don't need to think about UCS-2 at all. The only times you need
> to worry about encodings are when you're encoding unicode characters
> to byte strings, or decoding bytes to unicode characters, or opening a
> stream in text mode; and in those cases the only encoding that matters
> is the external one.
If one uses unicode chars in the Supplementary Planes above the BMP (the
first 2**16), which require surrogate pairs for 16 bit unicode (UTF-16),
then the abstraction leaks.
Terry Jan Reedy
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