I don't understand generator.send()
Chris Rebert
crebert at ucsd.edu
Sat May 14 20:47:00 EDT 2011
On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Victor Eijkhout <see at sig.for.address> wrote:
> #! /usr/bin/env python
> def ints():
> i=0
> while True:
> yield i
> i += 1
> gen = ints()
> while True:
> i = gen.next()
> print i
> if i==5:
> r = gen.send(2)
> print "return:",r
> if i>10:
> break
> I thought the send call would push the value "2" at the front of the
> queue. Instead it coughs up the 2, which seems senseless to me.
> 1/ How should I view the send call? I'm reading the manual and dont' get
> it
`yield` is an expression. Within the generator, the result of that
expression is [, ignoring the complications of .throw() etc.,] the
argument to .send(). You're currently using `yield` only as a
statement, so it's no wonder you're not quite understanding .send(). I
think this example should clarify things somewhat:
>>> def example(start):
... i = ord(start)
... while True:
... sent = (yield chr(i)) # Note use of yield as expression
... print('was sent', sent)
... i += 1
>>> g = example('a')
>>> g.send(3)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't send non-None value to a just-started generator
>>> # Ok, so we can't send something back to `yield`
>>> # until we hit the first `yield`.
>>> g.send(None) # Follow the error message's advice
>>> g.send(3) # Let's try again now.
was sent 3
>>> g.send(5)
was sent 5
>>> g.send(9)
was sent 9
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