obviscating python code for distribution
harrismh777 at charter.net
Sun May 15 23:48:03 EDT 2011
Littlefield, Tyler wrote:
> I'm putting lots of work into this. I would rather not have some script
> kiddy dig through it, yank out chunks and do whatever he wants. I just
> want to distribute the program as-is, not distribute it and leave it
> open to being hacked.
Protection via obfuscation is invalid practically as well as
philosophically. Those of us who work in the free software movement (or
the open software movement too) specifically believe that obfuscation is
an incorrect approach.
Obfuscation is the paramount Microsoft strategy for protection and for
security. It doesn't work. In fact, making the code open permits what
many of us who consider open source to be 'good science' more secure by
allowing peer review and community improvement.
Some of us believe that code is not useful unless its open. If I can't
see what you're doing, comment on it, improve it if I like, and share it
with others I don't need it (its really that simple).
Nobody can make this decision for you, of course, but please consider
making your coding free software (GPL license), or at least open and GPL
compatible licensed.
kind regards,
m harris
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