best way to extract sentence from txt file
Michiel Overtoom
motoom at
Tue May 17 14:40:40 EDT 2011
On May 17, 2011, at 20:22, Robert Pazur wrote:
> my question is maybe quite simple:
> What is the best (and shortest) way to extract sentence from .txt file?
Well, open("filename.txt").readlines() gives you a list of all the lines in a txt file, which might not be sentences, depending on the text file is structured. If you really want to interpret the text file as a collection of sentences, some parsing might be involved. What is a sentence? A sequence of words ending with a dot? With a question mark? How do quotes play a role in this?
Did you have a specific sentence (or line) in thought? The first line? The last line? A random line somewhere in between?
Until then we have to guess, and my E.S.P. is notoriously bad.
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