Building Python: static library "3.2m"

Ned Deily nad at
Mon May 23 00:01:27 EDT 2011

In article <BANLkTi=T+tXTOAdN2ts7RXpNcqaUFnO_iQ at>,
 Chris Angelico <rosuav at> wrote:
> Question: Why "3.2m"? What does that m mean? It seems to have come up
> a couple of times in the build process.

It's a new feature in Python 3.2 to allow multiple versions of shared C 
object files that differ in configure options (i.e. ones that affect the 
Python C ABI) to co-exist in one Python installation.  "m" means that 
they were built with pymalloc.  Other flags are "d" for debug, and "u" 
for wide-unicode.

 Ned Deily,
 nad at

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