NEED HELP- read file contents, while loop to accept user input, and enter to exit
Chris Rebert
clp2 at
Tue May 24 04:58:25 EDT 2011
On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 1:31 AM, Cathy James <nambo4jb at> wrote:
> dear mentor,
> I need help with my code:
In addition to what others have already said...
> please see my attempt below and help:
> #1) open file and display current file contents:
> f = open ('c:/testing.txt'', 'r')
> f.readlines()
> #2) and 3) use while loop to write user input to file, save to file, close
> when press enter:
> while True:
> s = input ('enter name: ').strip()
> f = open ('c:/testing.txt', 'a')
> if f.writable():
Since you *just* opened the file in append mode, this condition will
*always* be true (append mode implies writability), so your `else`
clause will *never* be executed.
> f.write(s)
> break
> else:
> f = open ('c:/testing.txt', 'r')
> f.readlines()
> for line in f:
> print (line)
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