Code Review
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Wed May 25 03:22:31 EDT 2011
ad wrote:
> Please review the code pasted below. I am wondering what other ways
> there are of performing the same tasks. This was typed using version
> 3.2. The script is designed to clean up a directory (FTP, Logs, etc.)
> Basically you pass two arguments. The first argument is an number of
> days old to delete. The second argument is the directory where the
> files and folders should be deleted. I imagine one enhancement would
> be to create a function out of some of this.
> CurrentTime = time.time()
Read PEP 8 on naming conventions etc., see
> epocDay = 86400 # seconds
> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Delete files and
What's the purpose of those many empty lines?
> folders in a directory N days old", add_help=False,
> prog='directorycleaner', usage='%(prog)s 7 c:\\temp')
> parser.add_argument('days', type=int, help="Numeric value: delete
> files and folders older then N days")
> parser.add_argument('directory', help="delete files and folders in
> this directory")
> parser.print_help()
What's the idea behind add_help=False and the explicit print_help()?
> dictKeys = (vars(args))
> HowManyDays = dictKeys['days']
This can be simplified to
HowManyDays = args.days
> if dirExists == False: print ("The directory is missing")
if x == False: ...
is normally written as
if not x: ...
> DirListing = os.listdir(WhatDirectory)
> for files in DirListing:
You might write this as
for filename in os.listdir(WhatDirectory): ...
or even
for filename in os.listdir( ...
Personally I would put this stuff in a separate function like
def remove_old_files_and_folders(parent_directory, age_in_seconds):
> # time.ctime converts epoch to a normal date
> #print (time.ctime(CurrentTime))
> # Get the date from seven days ago
> WeekOldFileDate = CurrentTime - DaysToDelete
> #print (CurrentTime)
> #print (FileCreationTime)
> #print (WeekOldFileDate)
Don't let out-commented code eclipse the actual code; remove it. If you want
to preserve it for eternity, have a look at version control systems, e. g.
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