Parse config file and command-line arguments, to get a single collection of options
Raymond Hettinger
python at
Thu May 26 01:15:35 EDT 2011
On May 25, 9:38 pm, Ben Finney <b... at> wrote:
> Howdy all,
> Python's standard library has modules for configuration file parsing
> (configparser) and command-line argument parsing (optparse, argparse). I
> want to write a program that does both, but also:
> * Has a cascade of options: default option values, overridden by config
> file options, overridden by command-line options.
> * Reads a different, or even additional, configuration file if specified
> on the command-line (e.g. --config-file foo.conf) and yet still obeys
> the above cascade.
> * Allows a single definition of an option (e.g. logging level) to define
> the same option for parsing from configuration files and the command
> line.
> * Unifies the parsed options into a single collection for the rest of
> the program to access without caring where they came from.
> How can I achieve this with minimum deviation from the Python standard
> library?
One thought is start with something like ChainMap,
, or some variant to unify multiple mapping objects into a single
prioritized collection. A mapping for command line args can be made
by using vars() on an argparse namespace to create a dictionary.
ConfigParser's mapping is accessible via its get() method. With a
ChainMap style object you can add other option sources such as
os.environ. This should get you started on your grand unified, do-
everything-at-once vision with minimal deviation from the standard
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