Weird problem matching with REs
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
PointedEars at
Sun May 29 15:06:53 EDT 2011
Andrew Berg wrote:
> On 2011.05.29 10:19 AM, Roy Smith wrote:
>> Named after the governor of Tarsus IV?
> Judging by the graphic at ,
> it's named after the Simpsons character.
I don't think that's a coincidence; both are from other planets and both are
rather evil[tm]. Kodos the Executioner, arguably human, became a dictator
who had thousands killed (by his own account, not to let the rest die of
hunger); Kodos the slimy extra-terrestrial is a conqueror (and he likes to
zap humans as well ;-))
[BTW, Tarsus IV, a planet where thousands (would) have died of hunger and
have died in executions was probably yet another hidden Star Trek euphemism.
I have found out that Tarsus is, among other things, the name of a
collection of bones in the human foot next to the heel. Bones as a
reference to death aside, see also Achilles for the heel. But I'm only
speculating here.]
\\//, PointedEars (F'up2 trek)
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