
Andrea Crotti andrea.crotti.0 at
Wed Nov 16 18:42:02 EST 2011

After a long time, and since it was included iin python-mode, I wanted 
to try if I can
get ropemacs working finally.
I have tried many possible things, also in Emacs -Q, and I actually got 
it working
only once, apparently by pure luck with Emacs -Q:

(setq py-load-python-mode-pymacs-p nil)

(setq ca-pymacs-path (expand-file-name 
(add-to-list 'load-path ca-pymacs-path)
(setenv "PYMACS_PYTHON" "python2.7")
(require 'pymacs)

(pymacs-load "ropemacs" "rope-")
(setq ropemacs-confirm-saving 'nil)

The problem is that this configuration doesn't use python-mode.el but 
the standard python.el,
all my attempts to make this work on my normal configuration failed.
Did anyone got both correctly working?


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