useless python - term rewriter
Sean McIlroy
namenobodywants at
Fri Nov 18 02:27:47 EST 2011
## term rewriter (python 3.1.1)
def gettokens(string):
spaced = string.replace('(',' ( ').replace(')',' ) ')
return spaced.split()
def getterm(tokens):
if tokens[0] in '()':
term = []
assert tokens[0] == '('
while not tokens[0] == ')': term.append(getterm(tokens))
return term
return tokens.pop(0)
def parse(strg):
tokens = gettokens(strg)
term = getterm(tokens)
assert not tokens
return term
def unparse(term):
if type(term) == str: return term
subterms = [unparse(subterm) for subterm in term]
return '({})'.format(' '.join(subterms))
def atom(term):
return type(term) == str
def compound(term):
return type(term) == list
def variable(term):
return atom(term) and term[0].isupper()
def constant(term):
return atom(term) and not term[0].isupper()
def conformable(term1,term2):
return compound(term1) and compound(term2) and len(term1) ==
def getrule(string):
left, right = string.split('=')
return [parse(left), parse(right)]
def getrules(string):
nonblank = lambda substring: substring and not substring.isspace()
return [getrule(substring) for substring in string.splitlines() if
def substitute(bindings,term):
if constant(term): return term
if variable(term): return bindings.get(term,term)
return [substitute(bindings,subterm) for subterm in term]
def match(term,pattern):
from operator import concat
from functools import reduce
if variable(pattern): return [[pattern, term]]
if constant(pattern) and pattern == term: return []
if conformable(pattern,term):
matches = [match(subterm,subpattern) for subterm, subpattern
in zip(term,pattern)]
return reduce(concat,matches)
raise Exception
def rewrite(term,rule):
if type(rule) == dict:
function = rule[term[0]]
arguments = [int(subterm) for subterm in term[1:]]
return str(function(*arguments))
left, right = rule
bindings = dict(match(term,left))
return substitute(bindings,right)
def apply(rule,term):
try: return [rewrite(term,rule), True]
if atom(term): return [term, False]
applications = [apply(rule,subterm) for subterm in term]
subterms = [subterm for subterm, change in applications]
changes = [change for subterm, change in applications]
return [subterms, any(changes)]
def normalize(term,rules):
while True:
changes = []
for rule in rules:
term, change = apply(rule,term)
if not any(changes): break
return term
def translate(rules):
string = input('>>> ')
if string and not string.isspace():
term = parse(string)
normal = normalize(term,rules)
string = unparse(normal)
except: print('parse error')
def interpret(equations):
import operator
rules = [vars(operator)] + getrules(equations)
while True:
try: translate(rules)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('end session')
example = """
(factorial 0) = 1
(factorial N) = (mul N (factorial (sub N 1)))
(fibonacci 0) = 0
(fibonacci 1) = 1
(fibonacci N) = (add (fibonacci (sub N 1)) (fibonacci (sub N 2)))
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