Question about 'iterable cursors'
Frank Millman
frank at
Sun Nov 6 04:39:56 EST 2011
"Alain Ketterlin" <alain at> wrote
> "Frank Millman" <frank at> writes:
>> I am using a few DB_API adaptors - ceODBC for Sql Server, psycopg2 for
>> PostgreSQL, and sqlite3 for sqlite3.
>> They all offer the feature that if a cursor executes a SELECT, the
>> cursor returns an iterator which can be used to fetch one row at a
>> time. I have been using this feature for a while and it seems like a
>> good thing'.
>> Now I am not so sure. I am using a connection pool to maintain
>> connections to the database. A principle I am following is that a
>> connection must be returned quickly, so that it is available for
>> reuse.
>> I have been happily returning the connection, but keeping the cursor
>> open while processing the rows selected. I now realise that this is
>> dangerous. Therefore I have changed my system to execute fetchall() on
>> the cursor before returning the connection. This obviously loses the
>> benefit of the iterator.
>> I would appreciate confirmation that my thinking is correct on this
>> issue. Or is there any way that I can have my cake and eat it?
> Your thinking is correct: you need to keep the connection while
> processing the cursor. Databases are made to scale, you may well be
> processing the first lines of the result before the DBMS has even
> finished scanning tables. View this as a pipe, the cursor being one end
> of the pipe. The usual setting, fetching one line at a time, lets you
> overlap your processing with the network transfers.
> Fetching all data, returning the connection, and then start processing
> only makes sense if the processing take a lot of time (I mean: a lot
> more than fetching results), which is a rare case. Unless you are in
> such an extreme situation, I would suggest leaving the optimization to
> the connection pool, which is here to solve what you are trying to
> solve.
Thank you, Alain. That is very clear.
So my analysis of the problem is correct, but my solution is wrong.
Instead of executing fetchall() and returning the connection, I should
retain the connection until I have exhausted the cursor.
That makes a lot of sense.
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