No matter what I do, IDLE will not work...
Ned Deily
nad at
Fri Nov 11 01:51:29 EST 2011
In article
<415ed0ec-65a5-41df-b81e-d74786c74073 at>,
CAMERON ALLEY <cra5370 at> wrote:
> IT WORKS!!!! I didn't change my activestate, but I downloaded python
> 3.2.2 with the 32 bit installer and it works! Perfectally!!
> Sir you're my savior, thank you so much.
> I don't know how you did it but you just made my day :)
The 32-bit-installer links to the older Carbon-based Tcl/Tk 8.4 which is
very different under the covers from the Tcl/Tk 8.5 used by the
Apple-supplied Pythons and the 64-bit installer. So there's
*something* on your system that interferes with the Cocoa Tcl/Tk 8.5.
If you want to pursue it, you might ask on the OS X Tcl mailing list.
Good luck!
Ned Deily,
nad at
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