How to insert my own module in front of site eggs?
Marc Christiansen
usenet at
Thu Nov 17 04:48:17 EST 2011
Roy Smith <roy at> wrote:
> I'm trying to use a custom version of mongoengine. I cloned the git
> repo and put the directory on my PYTHONPATH, but python is still
> importing the system's installed version. Looking at sys.path, it's
> obvious why:
> $ echo $PYTHONPATH
> /home/roy/songza:/home/roy/lib/mongoengine
>>>> pprint.pprint(sys.path)
> ['',
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/selenium-2.0a5-py2.6.egg',
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/unittest2-0.5.1-py2.6.egg',
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/
> g',
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/virtualenv-1.5.2-py2.6.egg',
> '/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/mongoengine-0.5.2-py2.6.egg',
> '/home/roy/songza',
> '/home/roy/lib/mongoengine',
> The system eggs come before my path. I found
> in
> the archives; it explains that eggs come before PYTHONPATH, but doesn't
> explain how to get around this problem. I emphatically agree with
> Michael Bayer who said:
>> I cant think of a possible scenario where a path would explicitly
>> exist in PYTHONPATH, non-egg or egg, where the user would still like the
>> system-wide installation to take precedence
> So, is there any way to get my local copy of mongoengine loaded instead
> of the system egg? I could probably import sys, and do an egg-ectomy on
> sys.path before importing mongoengine, but that's too gross to
> contemplate.
The only way I found is to edit the easy_install.pth file and comment
the two lines starting with "import sys". You'll have to do that every
time you install/upgrade an egg via easy_install (and maybe setuptools).
In your case the right file should be
BTW: You could try pip ( instead of
easy_install, it doesn't mess with sys.path.
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