xml.dom.minidom question
Stefan Behnel
stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sun Nov 20 10:03:24 EST 2011
nivashno, 19.11.2011 22:32:
> I've got this code:
> >>> dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse('myfile.xml')
> >>> for testnode in dom.getElementsByTagName('tests')[0].childNodes:
> ... print testnode
> When it's working on this xml:
> <tests>
> <test>something</test>
> </tests>
> I get the following:
> <DOM Text node "u'\n '">
> <DOM Element: test at 0xaa6bfac>
> <DOM Text node "u'\n '">
> But when it's working on this xml:
> <tests><test>something</test></tests>
> I get this:
> <DOM Element: test at 0xbc6f1ac>
> I always thought that xml was very precisely split up into nodes,
> childnodes, etc, no matter what the whitespace between them was. But
> apparently not, or am I missing something?
You already got some answers to this question. I'd just like to point you
to the xml.etree.(c)ElementTree packages, which are substantially faster
and easier to use than minidom.
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