ProgressBar - Python and Powershell
Nikunj.Badjatya at
Nikunj.Badjatya at
Mon Nov 21 07:27:47 EST 2011
Hey Thanks. Will do that.
Just a question in general. Is it possible that we have opened one file in r+ mode ( file1.txt ). We have 2 threads, thread1 will continuously only read the file in a loop. Thread2 will only update the data in the file. Now thread2 has called other script ( written in say Perl/Powershell ) and those scripts are inturn updating ( only writing ) into that file by their own file i/o mechanism.
Is it possible by any chance? One file being shared between different processes one is updating and other is reading ..? Will this work in practical and what can be the complications ?
-----Original Message-----
From: Alec Taylor [mailto:alec.taylor6 at]
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 5:23 PM
To: Badjatya, Nikunj
Subject: Re: ProgressBar - Python and Powershell
WiX will manage all the progress bar stuff for you.
Just wrap it all in
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 9:44 PM, <Nikunj.Badjatya at> wrote:
> Yes I am executing powershell commands into virtual machines.
> Will have a look at WiX.
> But please, Answer my questions:
>>> My questions are:
>>> 1. Can I have a better shared mechanism between python and
>>> powershell.? As I am using a file here. Reading + writing in python and
>>> writing only in powershell. !
>>> 2. Does this thread mechanism work.? I am yet to implement and test
>>> it.! :P What can be the possible shortfalls.?
> Thanks
> Nikunj
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alec Taylor [mailto:alec.taylor6 at]
> Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 11:59 AM
> To: Badjatya, Nikunj
> Cc: python-list at
> Subject: Re: ProgressBar - Python and Powershell
> So you're executing Powershell commands into Virtual Machines?
> Add this into the installer (probably WiX is your best bet)
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 3:40 AM, <Nikunj.Badjatya at> wrote:
>> Thanks for reply.
>> Python and Powershell are required because the installer would deal in virtual machines ( VMware environment ).
>> Some prechecks and postconfig are required in both VMware and Windows environment. For dealing with VMware environment powershell has the best bonding. For windows I am using Python.
>> I am new to this field and do not know if there is an alternative available.! Can you please suggest an alternative to Powershell in VM environment. ?
>> The current look of the installer is completely command line based.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Alec Taylor [mailto:alec.taylor6 at]
>> Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 7:22 PM
>> To: Badjatya, Nikunj
>> Cc: python-list at
>> Subject: Re: ProgressBar - Python and Powershell
>> Why are you writing an installer in Python and Powershell?
>> Just write an installer in WiX, NSIS or Inno like the rest of the sane world.
>> Alternatively take a look at MakeMSI or the script python uses to
>> generate there .MSI.
>> Anything else is WAY too non-standard to consider.
>> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 12:01 AM, <Nikunj.Badjatya at> wrote:
>>> Can anyone throw some light on this please ! ?
>>> From: at
>>> [ at] On Behalf Of
>>> Nikunj.Badjatya at
>>> Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 4:10 PM
>>> To: python-list at
>>> Subject: ProgressBar - Python and Powershell
>>> Hi All,
>>> I am using Python 2.7, windows Env.
>>> I have an Installer written in Python(45%) and Powershell(55%) which is used
>>> to install Virtual Machines at specific locations. It is single threaded.
>>> I am trying to implement a ProgressBar for this installer. So that the user
>>> will come to know the progress of the installation.
>>> I am using pypi progressbar module.
>>> The top script is in python which inturns calls powershell scripts using
>>> and proceeds with the installation.
>>> I am taking a shared file between python and powershell, so that diff
>>> functions can update their %age completion level in to the file. Ex. Func1()
>>> updates it to 5%, func2() will add its own 5% to it.. and so on.
>>> At the start of the ( script I am creating a thread whose sole
>>> purpose would be to keep "READ" a temp file for a new entry in it.
>>> Based on this entry I can have my thread update the progressbar on the
>>> console.
>>> My questions are:
>>> 1. Can I have a better shared mechanism between python and
>>> powershell.? As I am using a file here. Reading + writing in python and
>>> writing only in powershell. !
>>> 2. Does this thread mechanism work.? I am yet to implement and test
>>> it.! :P What can be the possible shortfalls.?
>>> Thanks
>>> Nikunj
>>> Bangalore - India
>>> --
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