Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference

Rick Johnson rantingrickjohnson at
Sat Nov 26 13:53:15 EST 2011

On Nov 20, 6:46 pm, Travis Parks <jehugalea... at> wrote:
> Hello:
> I am currently working on designing a new programming language. It is
> a compiled language, but I still want to use Python as a reference.
> Python has a lot of similarities to my language, such as indentation
> for code blocks,

I hope you meant to say "*forced* indention for code blocks"! "Forced"
being the key word here. What about tabs over spaces, have you decided
the worth of one over the other or are you going to repeat Guido's

And please, i love Python, but the language is a bit asymmetrical. Do
try to bring some symmetry to this new language. You can learn a lot
from GvR's triumphs, however, you can learn even more from his follys.

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