Using the Python Interpreter as a Reference
Colin Higwell
colinh at somewhere.invalid
Sun Nov 27 18:02:37 EST 2011
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 14:21:01 -0800, Travis Parks wrote:
> On Nov 26, 1:53 pm, Rick Johnson <rantingrickjohn... at> wrote:
>> On Nov 20, 6:46 pm, Travis Parks <jehugalea... at> wrote:
>> > Hello:
>> > I am currently working on designing a new programming language. It is
>> > a compiled language, but I still want to use Python as a reference.
>> > Python has a lot of similarities to my language, such as indentation
>> > for code blocks,
>> I hope you meant to say "*forced* indention for code blocks"! "Forced"
>> being the key word here. What about tabs over spaces, have you decided
>> the worth of one over the other or are you going to repeat Guido's
>> folly?
>> And please, i love Python, but the language is a bit asymmetrical. Do
>> try to bring some symmetry to this new language. You can learn a lot
>> from GvR's triumphs, however, you can learn even more from his follys.
> Personally, I find a lot of good things in Python. I thinking tabs are
> out-of-date. Even the MAKE community wishes that the need for tabs would
> go away and many implementations have done just that. I have been
> seriously debating about whether to force a specific number of spaces,
> such as the classic 4, but I am not sure yet. Some times, 2 or even 8
> spaces is appropriate (although I'm not sure when).
> I have always found the standard library for Python to be disjoint. That
> can be really beneficial where it keeps the learning curve down and the
> size of the standard modules down. At the same time, it means
> re-learning whenever you use a new module.
> My language combines generators and collection initializers, instead of
> creating a whole new syntax for comprehensions.
> [| for i in 0..10: for j in 0.10: yield return i * j |]
> Lambdas and functions are the same thing in my language, so no need for
> a special keyword. I also distinguish between initialization and
> assignment via the let keyword. Also, non-locals do not need to be
> defined explicitly, since the scoping rules in Unit are far more "anal".
> In reality though, it takes a certain level of arrogance to assume that
> any language will turn out without bumps. It is like I was told in
> college long ago, "Only the smallest programs are bug free." I think the
> same thing could be said for a language. The only language without flaws
> would be so small that it would be useless.
> I love these types of discussions though, because it helps me to be
> aware. When designing a language, it is extremely helpful to hear what
> language features have led to problems. For instance, C#'s foreach loops
> internally reuse a variable, which translates to something like this:
> using (IEnumerator<T> enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator())
> {
> T current;
> while (enumerator.MoveNext())
> {
> current = enumerator.Current;
> // inner loop code goes here
> }
> }
> Since the same variable is reused, threads referencing the loop variable
> work against whatever value is currently in the variable, rather than
> the value when the thread was created. Most of the time, this means
> every thread works against the same value, which isn't the expected
> outcome. Moving the variable inside the loop _may_ help, but it would
> probably be optimized back out of the loop by the compiler. With the
> growth of threaded applications, these types of stack-based
> optimizations may come to an end. That is why it is important for a
> next-gen language to have a smarter stack - one that is context
> sensitive. In Unit, the stack grows and shrinks like a dynamic array, at
> each scope, rather than at the beginning and end of each function. Sure,
> there's a slight cost in performance, but a boost in consistency. If a
> programmer really wants the performance, they can move the variable out
> of the loop themselves.
> In fact, there are a lot of features in Unit that will come with
> overhead, such as default arguments, non-locals, function-objects, etc.
> However, the game plan is to avoid the overhead if it isn't used. Some
> things, such as exception handling, will be hard to provide without
> overhead. My belief is that, provided a tool, most developers will use
> it and accept the slight runtime overhead.
> I think everyone has an idea about what would make for the perfect
> language. I am always willing to entertain ideas. I have pulled from
> many sources: C#, Java, Python, JavaScript, F#, Lisp and more. The hope
> is to provide as much expression with as much consistency as possible.
> Just the other day I spent 2 hours trying to determine how to create a
> null pointer (yeah, it took that long).
> let pi = null as shared * Integer32 # null is always a pointer
> Originally, I wanted 'as' to be a safe conversion. However, I decided to
> make use of the 'try' keyword to mean a safe conversion.
> let nd = try base as shared * Derived let d = if nd.Succeeded: nd.Value
> else: null # or, shorthand let i = try Integer32.Parse("123") else 0
> Of course, the last line could cost performance wise. For that reason,
> Unit will allow for "try" versions of methods.
> let Parse = public static method (value: String) throws(FormatException
> UnderflowException OverflowException) returns(Integer32): ...
> and Parse = public static try method (value: String)
> returns(TryResult<Integer32>): ...
> Of course, such methods are required to never throw and must return a
> specific named tuple type.
> Type, type, type. In short, I can only hope my language is useful and
> that I dodge as many inconsistencies as possible. The good thing about
> an unknown language is that no one gets mad when things change. In that
> sense, Python's annoyances are probably an indication of its quality.
> :-)
Most of this is way above my head but FWIW, I am very happy with four
spaces for indentation. I forget now what I used in BASIC and COBOL, but
I have always used four spaces in PL/SQL, PL/pgSQL, PL/Tcl, c, ksh, bash
and Python.
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