Problem regarding command line completion

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Mon Oct 3 14:31:01 EDT 2011

Rajashree Thorat wrote:

> Please can anyone help me in resolving following problem.
> import cmd
> class CmdLineApp(cmd.Cmd):
>         def do_grep(self, line):
>                 print line
>         option = ["--ignore-case",
> "--invert-match","--word-regexp","--line-regexp"]
>         def complete_grep(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
>                 return [i for i in CmdLineApp.option if
>                 i.startswith(text)]
> interpreter = CmdLineApp()
> interpreter.cmdloop()
> In above program I want to do command line completion (or tab completion).
> If the elements of option list starts with special character such as
> '-', '@', '#', '--' , then it is giving me output like
> (Cmd) grep
> grep
> (Cmd) grep ------
> instead of
> (Cmd) grep --
> --ignore-case  --invert-match  --word-regexp  --line-regexp
> How I can handle this special characters?

Try removing them from readline's set of delimiters with

import readline
delims = readline.get_completer_delims()
my_delims = "".join(set(delims) - set("-@#"))

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