Hello, and request for help with 'dynamic grids'

Ed Leafe ed at leafe.com
Mon Oct 3 17:21:34 EDT 2011

On Sep 5, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Simon Cropper wrote:

> Dabo is a great product. Spoke extensively with Ed Leafe and Paul McNett. Unfortunately the framework is not 'dynamic'. If you have an fixed database and tables it can quite quickly create a basic data entry setup and menu. Looks great when it runs. The problem is creating the window and grid on the fly.

	Sorry, someone just pointed me to this message.

	Of course we can build a window and grid on the fly: the command is:

	form, grid = dabo.ui.browse(<data>)

...where <data> is a data set, or any object with a getDataSet() method, such as a bizobj or a cursor. I demonstrated this at my session at PyCon 2007: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8G8AefXDo8&t=3m6s

	If you don't want to do this in a separate window, you can call the grid's buildFromDataSet() method directly. This command has a ton of optional parameters to control just how you would like the grid to appear.

-- Ed Leafe

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