passing Python data to a javascript function

Bill Allen wallenpb at
Wed Oct 26 17:32:24 EDT 2011

I am writing a Python CGI and am needing to pass a data value from Python to
a javascript function.   My understanding is that I should use JSON as the
middleman.  However, I have not found a good example of doing this.   The
piece of data is a simple integer, but I converting that to a string first.
  Here is what I am trying, but unsuccessfully.  I know this code is broken
in at least two places.   I may be going about this completely the wrong
way.   Any help would be appreciated.

Bill Allen

import json
import os
import cgi
import cgitb

pid = [{'p':str(os.getpid())}]
pid_data = json.dumps(pid)

print "Content-type: text/html"

print """
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">

<script type="text/javascript">
function showPID(pid_data)
var a_pid=eval("(" + pid_data + ")");       ####This is where I am not sure
what do with the value once I get it into the function.

<body onload="showPID()">   ####This is where I am not sure how to pass the
value to the javascript function
<div id="txt"></div>
Hello World!<br>
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