[ANN] pyKook 0.6.0 - task automation tool for Python, similar to Rake or Ant

Makoto Kuwata kwa at kuwata-lab.com
Thu Oct 27 10:00:59 EDT 2011


I have released pyKook 0.6.0.

In this release, a lot of enhancements are introduced.

pyKook Overview

pyKook is a task automation tool for Python, similar to Rake or Ant.


    kookbook.default = 'build'

    @recipe(None, ['hello'])
    def build(c):
        """build all"""

    @recipe('hello', ['hello.o'])
    def file_hello(c):
        """build 'hello' from 'hello.o'"""
        system(c%'gcc -o $(product) $(ingred)')

    @recipe('*.o', ['$(1).c', '$(1).h'])
    def file_o(c):
        system(c%'gcc -c $(ingred)')


    bash> kk     # or pykook
    $ gcc -c hello.c
    ### *** hello.o (recipe=file_o)
    $ gcc -c hello.c
    ### ** hello (recipe=file_hello)
    $ gcc -o hello hello.o
    ### * build (recipe=build)

See http://www.kuwata-lab.com/kook/pykook-users-guide.html for details.

Enhancements in this release

* 'kookbook' variable is available in your cookbook to specify
  materials or default product.
* Recipe meta-programming support.
  You can manipulate recipe objects directly.
* Load other cookbooks by kookbook.load().
  This enables you to split your Kookbook.py into several files.
* Support some useful task recipes: clean, sweep, and all.
* Namespace is now supported. It is called as 'Category' in Kook.
* Concatenation supported.
  You can concatenate your cookbook and pyKook libraries into a file.
  Using concatenated file, user doesn't need to install pyKook at all.
* Argument description is available.
* Private spice option is available.
* New command 'pushd()' provided.

See http://www.kuwata-lab.com/kook/pykook-CHANGES.txt for details.

Have fun!

makoto kuwata

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