sending ftp file list to mail???
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Fri Oct 7 05:28:28 EDT 2011
En Fri, 07 Oct 2011 03:23:57 -0300, selahattin ay <selahattin_ay at>
> hi all. I want to get my ftp list and send the list to my mail adress...
> my codes are
> baglanti = FTP("")
> baglanti.login("******", "*******")
> print baglanti.dir()
> posta = MIMEMultipart()
> def posta_olustur():
> posta['Subject']=konu
> posta['From']=gmail_kullanici
> posta['To']=kime
> posta.attach(MIMEText(baglanti.retrlines("LIST"))) <------ what
> can I do for here
Ah, I didn't notice that part.
MIMEText expects a string. retrlines, by default, outputs to stdout, isn't
very useful. Try this:
def posta_olustur():
lines = []
baglanti.retrlines("LIST", lines.append)
text = '\n'.join(lines)
Gabriel Genellina
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