"IX" as shorthand for "Interface"
Ben Finney
ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sun Oct 9 01:52:56 EDT 2011
Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com> writes:
> I'm writing a bunch of classes that have "Interface" in the name and
> find that the length of the subsequent names is starting to get in the
> way of readability (I don't really care about saving keystrokes). Is
> "IX" conventional enough to use in place of "Interface" in a class
> name? Thanks!
Convention in which community?
If you just mean in general programming community, I don't think “IX”
would suggest interface at all.
The only common convention I've seen is the “I” prefix: “IFoo” to
suggest “the Foo interface”. But that's hopelessly ambiguous, and I
don't recommend it.
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Ben Finney
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