Dynamically creating properties?
Lie Ryan
lie.1296 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 23:42:34 EDT 2011
On 10/28/2011 08:48 AM, DevPlayer wrote:
> On Oct 27, 3:59 pm, Andy Dingley<ding... at codesmiths.com> wrote:
>> I have some XML, with a variable and somewhat unknown structure. I'd
>> like to encapsulate this in a Python class and expose the text of the
>> elements within as properties.
>> How can I dynamically generate properties (or methods) and add them to
>> my class? I can easily produce a dictionary of the required element
>> names and their text values, but how do I create new properties at run
>> time?
>> Thanks,
> class MyX(object):
> pass
> myx = myx()
> xml_tag = parse( file.readline() )
> # should be a valid python named-reference syntax,
> # although any object that can be a valid dict key is allowed.
> # generally valid python named reference would be the answer to
> your question
> attribute = validate( xml_tag )
> # dynamicly named property
> setattr( myx, attribute, property(get_func, set_func, del_func,
> attr_doc) )
> # "dynamicly named method"
> # really should be a valid python named-reference syntax
> myfunc_name = validate(myfunc_name)
> def somefunc(x):
> return x+x
> # or
> somefunc = lambda x: x + x
> setattr( myx, myfunc_name, somefunc )
> So beaware of:
> # \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> setattr(myx, '1', 'one')
> myx.1
> File "<input>", line 1
> x.1
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> # \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> x.'1'
> File "<input>", line 1
> x.'1'
> ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> # \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
> x.__dict__['1'] # returns
> 'one'
> x.__dict__ # returns
> {'1': 'one'}
> So you should validate your variable names if you are getting them
> from somewhere.
XML does not allow attribute names to start with a number, so I doubt
you need to worry about that. In addition, if you also need to
dynamically access attributes and you have zero control of the name, you
can use getattr().
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