List comprehension timing difference.
python at
Thu Sep 1 21:12:47 EDT 2011
On 02/09/2011 01:35, Bart Kastermans wrote:
> In the following code I create the graph with vertices
> sgb-words.txt (the file of 5 letter words from the
> stanford graphbase), and an edge if two words differ
> by one letter. The two methods I wrote seem to me to
> likely perform the same computations, the list comprehension
> is faster though (281 seconds VS 305 seconds on my dell mini).
> Is the right interpretation of this timing difference
> that the comprehension is performed in the lower level
> C code?
> As this time I have no other conjecture about the cause.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> import time
> import copy
> data = map (lambda x: x.strip(), open('sgb-words.txt').readlines())
> def d (w1, w2):
> count = 0
> for idx in range(0,5):
> if w1[idx] != w2[idx]:
> count += 1
> return count
> print "creating graph"
> t0 = time.clock ()
> graph = [[a,b] for a in data for b in data if d(a,b) ==1 and a< b]
> t1 = time.clock ()
> print "took " + str (t1 - t0) + " seconds."
> t0 = time.clock ()
> graph2 = []
> for i in range (0, len(data)):
> for j in range(0,len(data)):
> if d(data[i],data[j]) == 1 and i< j:
> graph2.append ([i,j])
> t1 = time.clock ()
> print "took " + str (t1 - t0) + " seconds."
Are they actually equivalent? Does graph == graph2?
The first version (list comprehension) creates a list of pairs of
[a, b]
whereas the second version (for loops) creates a list of pairs of
[i, j]
The second version has subscripting ("data[i]" and "data[j]"), which
will slow it down.
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