Using tuples to eliminate multiple dict values
Prasad, Ramit
ramit.prasad at
Fri Sep 16 15:28:07 EDT 2011
-----Original Message-----
From: at [ at] On Behalf Of Benshep
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2011 1:48 PM
To: python-list at
Subject: Using tuples to eliminate multiple dict values
I need a dictionary that returns the same value for multiple keys.
(1) >>> dict = { (1,2,3) : 'text' , (5,6,7) : 'other text' }
(2) >>>dict[1]
(3) 'text'
I cant figure out what i need on line 2 to make this scenario work. Is
there a simple way to check if the a number is present in the key and
then return the value?
I think I must be missing something. Can you not do the following?
>>> d = { 1:'text', 2:'text', 3:'text', 5:'other text', 6:'other text', 7:'other text' }
>>> d[1]
If you are they need to share the same value you can also do something like this.
>>> t1 = [ 'text' ]
>>> t2 = [ 'other text' ]
>>> d = { 1:t1, 2:t1, 3:t1, 5:t2, 6:t2, 7:t2 }
>>> d[1]
>>> d[1][0]='new text'
>>> d[2][0]
'new text'
>>> d
{1: ['new text'], 2: ['new text'], 3: ['new text'], 5: ['other text'], 6: ['other text'], 7: ['other text']}
Ramit Prasad | JPMorgan Chase Investment Bank | Currencies Technology
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