Dynamically Cause A Function To Return
Arnaud Delobelle
arnodel at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 15:04:29 EDT 2011
On 20 September 2011 00:13, Jordan Evans <mindwalkernine at gmail.com> wrote:
> I want dynamically place the 'return' statement in a function via user input
> or achieve the same through some other means. If some other means, the user
> must be able initiate this at runtime during a raw_input(). This is what I
> have so far, this would be an awesome command line debugging tool if I can
> get it to work.
> def b(label="", *args):
> """Used to create breaks for debugging. Will break the function or
> continue the function it is place within based on user input. Has as a
> input loop for querying variables and executing code before a break or a
> continue."""
> print label+":",
> for arg in args:
> print str(arg),
> if len(args):
> print
> x = ""
> while x != ".":
> command = raw_input()
> try:
> exec command
> except:
> pass
I don't really understand your dynamic return idea, but this reminds
me of some debugging function I wrote some time ago. It pauses
execution and you can evaluate expression in the current stack frame
and any of its parents using the following syntax:
<expr> executes <expr> in the stack frame where pause() was inserted
.<expr> executes it in the parent of this stack frame
..<expr> in the grandparent (etc...)
? shows all accessible stack frames
def pause():
import sys, inspect, re
f = None
print "\n*** Entering pause mode (EOF to resume)"
while True:
c = raw_input('pause> ')
if c == '?':
for i, fi in enumerate(inspect.stack()[1:]):
print ('%s File "%s", line %s, in %s' %
('.'*i, fi[1], fi[2], fi[3]))
dots = re.match(r'\.*', c)
back = 0
if dots:
back = len(dots.group())
f = sys._getframe(back+1)
code_name = f.f_code.co_name
cmd = c[back:]
val = cmd and eval(cmd, f.f_globals, f.f_locals)
print "(%s) %r" % (code_name, val)
except Exception, e:
if isinstance(e, EOFError):
del f
print "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e)
except EOFError:
print "\n*** Leaving pause mode"
# Simple example of 'pause' in action:
>>> def g(x):
... b = 5
... pause()
>>> def f(x, y):
... z = 2
... g(x)
... print "And we carry on..."
>>> f('spam', [4, 2])
*** Entering pause mode (EOF to resume)
pause> ?
File "<stdin>", line 3, in g
. File "<stdin>", line 3, in f
.. File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
pause> b
(g) 5
pause> b+1
(g) 6
pause> .z
(f) 2
pause> .y
(f) [4, 2]
pause> .x
(f) 'spam'
pause> ..len
(<module>) <built-in function len>
pause> ^D
*** Leaving pause mode
And we carry on...
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