atexit handlers - getting the return code
Mike Hull
mikehulluk at
Tue Sep 27 09:37:10 EDT 2011
Hi Giampaolo,
Sorry, I didn't explain very clearly.
I have a python file, '', (given below).
Then, in my scripts, I add the following lines to the top,
from simulation_logger import SimulationDecorator
# Rest of the simulation script....
and at the end of the simulation, it should write the stdout/stderr,
the return code and any top level exception details into a database.
This is working except I can't work out how to get the return code
the script is going to return.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated,
import atexit
import sys
import os
import cStringIO
import time
import traceback
import datetime
import inspect
class SimulationRunInfo(object):
def __init__(self, script_name ):
self.return_code = None
self.time_taken = None
self.time_out = None
self.std_out = None
self.std_err = None
self.exception_details = None,None
self.script_name = script_name
class IOStreamDistributor(object):
def __init__(self, outputs):
self.outputs = outputs
def write(self, *args, **kwargs):
for op in self.outputs:
op.write(*args, **kwargs)
class SimulationDecorator(object):
start_time = None
time_out = None
is_initialised = False
exception_details = None,None
std_out = None
std_err = None
script_name = None
def exit_handler(cls, *args, **kwargs):
print 'Exit Handler'
print 'Args', args
print 'KwArgs', kwargs
info = SimulationRunInfo( cls.script_name)
# Read and restore the StdOut/Err
info.std_out = cls.std_out.getvalue()
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
info.std_err = cls.std_err.getvalue()
sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
# Get the return value:
info.return_code = 0
# Get the timing:
info.time_taken = int( time.time() - cls.start_time )
# Has thier been an exception?
info.exception_details = cls.exception_details
if info.exception_details != (None,None):
print 'Exception details', info.exception_details
info.return_code = -1
# Write to SimulationDataBase
# Save the information to a database:
def top_level_exception_handler(cls, exception_type, exception,
traceback, *args):
print 'TopLevel Exception Handler'
cls.exception_details = exception_type, exception, traceback
def Init(cls, time_out=None):
assert not cls.is_initialised
if 'MF_TIMEOUT' in os.environ:
timeout = int( os.environ['MF_TIMEOUT'] )
# Filename of the Simulation script
cwd = os.getcwd()
cls.script_name = os.path.join( cwd, traceback.extract_stack()
[0][0] )
#cls.script_name = traceback.extract_stack()[0][2].
#cls.script_name = inspect.stack()[-1][1]
#Intercept StdOut and StdErr:
cls.std_out = cStringIO.StringIO()
sys.stdout = IOStreamDistributor( [cls.std_out, sys.stdout] )
cls.std_err = cStringIO.StringIO()
sys.stderr = IOStreamDistributor( [cls.std_err, sys.stderr] )
# Set an exit handler and a top level exception-handler
# Set a top level exception handler:
atexit.register( cls.exit_handler )
sys.excepthook = cls.top_level_exception_handler
# Set a time-out alarm
cls.start_time = time.time()
cls.time_out = time_out
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