Counting the number of call of a function
python at
Thu Sep 29 13:26:18 EDT 2011
On 29/09/2011 18:08, Laurent Claessens wrote:
> Hello
> Is it possible to count the number of time a function is called ?
> Of course, if I've access to the source code, it's easy.
> I tried the following :
> def foo():
> print "foo !"
> class wraper(object):
> def __init__(self,fun):
> globals()[fun]=self.replacement
> def replacement(*args):
> print "I'm replaced"
> foo()
> X=wraper(foo)
> foo()
> I was hoping that globals()[foo] would be replaced by my X.replacement
> and thus the second call to foo() was expected to print "I'm replaced".
> Instead nothing is done.
> By the way, I tried to print globals() inside __init__() to see what
> happens. It turns out that the entry 'foo' is never modified.
> Any idea ?
> I fact what I have to do is to add a decorator _a posteriori_ ...
The keys of globals() are the _names_. You're giving it the function
Try this:
class wraper(object):
def __init__(self,fun):
def replacement(*args):
print("I'm replaced")
A decorator would be better.
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