Python Gotcha's?

Grzegorz Staniak gstaniak at
Thu Apr 5 12:25:16 EDT 2012

On 05.04.2012, Roy Smith <roy at> wroted:

> There's absolutely no reason why JSON should follow Python syntax
> rules. Making it support either kind of quotes would have
> complicated every JSON library in the world, for no added value.

I think these days it's not just "Python syntax", it's kinda something
that you can get accustommed to take for granted. Realistically, how
much more complication could the support for either quote marks
introduce? I doubt anyone would even notice. And you don't have to
write JSON by hand for this gotcha to bite you, all it takes is to
start playing with generating JSON without the use of specialized 
JSON libraries/functions. For testing, for fun, out of curiosity...

Grzegorz Staniak   <gstaniak _at_ gmail [dot] com>

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