ordering with duck typing in 3.1

Thomas Rachel nutznetz-0c1b6768-bfa9-48d5-a470-7603bd3aa915 at spamschutz.glglgl.de
Sat Apr 7 09:35:36 EDT 2012

Am 07.04.2012 14:23 schrieb andrew cooke:

> class IntVar(object):
>      def __init__(self, value=None):
>          if value is not None: value = int(value)
>          self.value = value
>      def setter(self):
>          def wrapper(stream_in, thunk):
>              self.value = thunk()
>              return self.value
>          return wrapper
>      def __int__(self):
>          return self.value
>      def __lt__(self, other):
>          return self.value<  other
>      def __eq__(self, other):
>          return self.value == other
>      def __hash__(self):
>          return hash(self.value)

> so what am i missing?

If I don't confuse things, I think you are missing a __gt__() in your 
IntVar() class.

This is because first, a '2 < three' is tried with 2.__lt__(three). As 
this fails due to the used types, it is reversed: 'three > 2' is 
equivalent. As your three doesn't have a __gt__(), three.__gt__(2) fails 
as well.


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