pygame: output to file?

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Apr 16 12:48:37 EDT 2012

On 4/16/2012 8:37 AM, superpollo wrote:
> alex23 ha scritto:
>> On Apr 16, 7:34 pm, superpollo <superpo... at tznvy.pbz> wrote:
>>> is there a way to convert the graphical output of a pygame application
>>> to a mpeg file or better an animated gif? i mean, not using an external
>>> capture program...
>> There is, but it's probably not going to be as performant as using
>> something external:
> but where in the code should i put the line:
>, "screenshot.jpeg")
> ?

Somewhere in the loop that draws frames, perhaps just before or after 
flipping to the screen. Of course, number the frames.

framenum = 0 # somewhere, just once
# in loop, 'frame%05d' % framenum)
framenum += 1

5 digits for frames is just an example.
 >>> 'frame%05d.jpg' % 21
 >>> 'frame{:0>5d}.jpg'.format(21)

You might consider saving .bmp bitmaps, as mpeg compresses across frames 
as well as within frames. If you have sprites moving over a static 
background, only the changes need to be encoded.

Terry Jan Reedy

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