Framework for a beginner

Thu Apr 19 07:14:20 EDT 2012

On 4/19/2012 6:21, lkcl wrote:
>   yeah, it does :)  python is... the best word i can describe it is:
> it's beautiful.  it has an elegance of expression that is only marred
> by the rather silly mistake of not taking map, filter and reduce into
> the list object itself: for example would be intuitive,
> compact and elegant.  instead, i have to look up how to use map each
> and every damn time!  the reason for the mistake is historical: map,
> filter and reduce were contributed by a lisp programmer.  that lisp
> programmer, presumably, was used to everything being function(args...)
> and it simply didn't occur to anyone to properly integrate map, filter
> and reduce properly into the list objects that they work with.

I don't think that map, filter and reduce are that useful in Python.
List comprehensions are better.

>   *shrugs* :)  but that's literally the only thing about python that i
> could possibly complain about.  everything else, it's just...
> beautiful.  i think also that as a general rule, python programmers
> are just... more intelligent.  either it does something to their
> brains, or... yeah :)

There are many things I don't like about Python. The first flaw is the 
absence of anonymous code blocks, but I've already solved this problem. 
Unfortunately, the bug I found in Python will delay the release of my 
I don't like the inability of using assignments inside of expressions. I 
don't like the fact that regexps are implemented as a library. Perl is 
much more readable and expressive in this regard.
Operator overloading is too limited.
I sometimes avoid classes because prefixing hundreds of identifiers with 
'self.' makes the code uglier and much less readable.
The absence of type inference makes it difficult to find many errors at 
"writing"-time. Dynamic typing is useful, but there are times when I 
know what type a variable is but the IDE won't help me because it 
doesn't know.
I don't like when a community imposes style on a programmer. For 
instance, many told me that I shouldn't use camelCase and I should 
adhere to PEP8.
Well, that's not me. I write my code the way I like it and if that is 
frowned upon by some "standardizing" community, so be it.
I want to retain my freedom of expression.
I'm also tired of hearing mottos such as TIMTOWTDI... oops, that's Perl.

You say that Python programmers are smarter. I think that the greater 
part of them are too fond of their language.
The problem is that they see Python as their language. When you know 
more than 30 languages you stop thinking that way and you also don't try 
to defend your language against "infidels".

Python is a very good language, but so is Ruby, Scala and many other 
languages. Denying that fact is deluding oneself.


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