Using arguments in a decorator

Rotwang sg552 at
Fri Apr 20 11:57:06 EDT 2012

Hi all, here's a problem I don't know how to solve. I'm using Python 2.7.2.

I'm doing some stuff in Python which means I have cause to call 
functions that take a while to return. Since I often want to call such a 
function more than once with the same arguments, I've written a 
decorator to eliminate repeated calls by storing a dictionary whose 
items are arguments and their results:

def memo(func):
     def memofunc(*args, **kwargs):
         twargs = tuple(kwargs.items())
         if (args, twargs) in memofunc.d:
             return copy(memofunc.d[(args, twargs)])
         memofunc.d[(args, twargs)] = func(*args, **kwargs)
         return copy(memofunc.d[(args, twargs)])
     memofunc.__name__ = func.__name__
     memofunc.d = {}
     return memofunc

If a function f is decorated by memo, whenever f is called with 
positional arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs, the decorated 
function defines twargs as a hashable representation of kwargs, checks 
whether the tuple (args, twargs) is in f's dictionary d, and if so 
returns the previously calculated value; otherwise it calculates the 
value and adds it to the dictionary (copy() is a function that returns 
an object that compares equal to its argument, but whose identity is 
different - this is useful if the return value is mutable).

As far as I know, the decorated function will always return the same 
value as the original function. The problem is that the dictionary key 
stored depends on how the function was called, even if two calls should 
be equivalent; hence the original function gets called more often than 
necessary. For example, there's this:

 >>> @memo
def f(x, y = None, *a, **k):
	return x, y, a, k

 >>> f(1, 2)
(1, 2, (), {})
 >>> f.d
{((1, 2), ()): (1, 2, (), {})}
 >>> f(y = 2, x = 1)
(1, 2, (), {})
 >>> f.d
{((1, 2), ()): (1, 2, (), {}), ((), (('y', 2), ('x', 1))): (1, 2, (), {})}

What I'd like to be able to do is something like this:

def memo(func):
     def memofunc(*args, **kwargs):
         # define a tuple consisting of values for all named positional
         # arguments occurring in the definition of func, including
         # default arguments if values are not given by the call, call
         # it named
         # define another tuple consisting of any positional arguments
         # that do not correspond to named arguments in the definition
         # of func, call it anon
         # define a third tuple consisting of pairs of names and values
         # for those items in kwargs whose keys are not named in the
         # definition of func, call it key
         if (named, anon, key) in memofunc.d:
             return copy(memofunc.d[(named, anon, key)])
         memofunc.d[(named, anon, key)] = func(*args, **kwargs)
         return copy(memofunc.d[(named, anon, key)])
     memofunc.__name__ = func.__name__
     memofunc.d = {}
     return memofunc

But I don't know how. I know that I can see the default arguments of the 
original function using func.__defaults__, but without knowing the 
number and names of func's positional arguments (which I don't know how 
to find out) this doesn't help me. Any suggestions?

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