Appending to []

Bernd Nawothnig Bernd.Nawothnig at
Sat Apr 21 08:48:44 EDT 2012

On 2012-04-20, Rotwang wrote:
> since a method doesn't assign the value it returns to the instance on 
> which it is called; what it does to the instance and what it returns are 
> two completely different things.

Returning a None-value is pretty useless. Why not returning self, which would be
the resulting list in this case? Returning self would make the
language a little bit more functional, without any drawback.

Then nested calls like

a = [].append('x').append('y').append('z')

would be possible with a containing the resulting list

['x', 'y', 'z'].

That is the way I expect any append to behave.


"Die Antisemiten vergeben es den Juden nicht, dass die Juden Geist
haben - und Geld." [Friedrich Nietzsche]

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