Getting started with IDLE and Python - no highlighting and no execution

PeterSo ojlise at
Sun Aug 5 22:17:54 EDT 2012

On Aug 5, 7:09 pm, Rotwang <sg... at> wrote:
> On 06/08/2012 00:46, PeterSo wrote:
> > I am just starting to learn Python, and I like to use the editor
> > instead of the interactive shell. So I wrote the following little
> > program in IDLE
> > # calculating the mean
> > data1=[49, 66, 24, 98, 37, 64, 98, 27, 56, 93, 68, 78, 22, 25, 11]
> > def mean(data):
> >    return sum(data)/len(data)
> > mean(data1)
> > There is no syntax highlighting and when I ran it F5, I got the
> > following in the shell window.
> >   >>> ================================ RESTART
> > ================================
> > Any ideas?
> I don't know what editor you're using or how it works, but I'm guessing
> that pressing f5 runs what you've written as a script, right? In that
> case the interpreter doesn't automatically print the result of
> expressions in the same way that the interactive interpreter does; you
> didn't tell it to print anything, so it didn't.
> > If I added print mean(data1), it gave me a invalid syntax
> > # calculating the mean
> > data1=[49, 66, 24, 98, 37, 64, 98, 27, 56, 93, 68, 78, 22, 25, 11]
> > data2=[1,2,3,4,5]
> > def mean(data):
> >    return sum(data)/len(data)
> > mean(data1)
> > print mean(data1)
> If you're using Python 3.x, you'll need to replace
> print mean(data1)
> with
> print(mean(data1))
> since the print statement has been replaced with the print function in
> Python 3.
> If you're instead using Python 2.x then I don't know what the problem
> is, but in that case your mean() function won't work properly - the
> forward slash operator between a pair of ints gives you floor division
> by default, so you should instead have it return something like
> float(sum(data))/len(data).
> --
> I have made a thing that superficially resembles music:

Your right, it is v 3 so print(mean(data1)) worked.
I still do not have any highlighting in the IDLE editor.

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