Deciding inheritance at instantiation?
toby at
Tue Aug 7 13:52:35 EDT 2012
Interesting stuff. Thanks.
On 08/06/2012 07:53 PM, alex23 wrote:
> On Aug 4, 6:48 am, Tobiah<t... at> wrote:
>> I have a bunch of classes from another library (the html helpers
>> from web2py). There are certain methods that I'd like to add to
>> every one of them. So I'd like to put those methods in a class,
>> and pass the parent at the time of instantiation. Web2py has
>> a FORM class for instance. I'd like to go:
>> my_element = html_factory(FORM)
>> Then my_element would be an instance of my class, and also
>> a child of FORM.
> I've lately begun to prefer composition over inheritance for
> situations like this:
> class MyElementFormAdapter(object):
> def __init__(self, form):
> self.form = form
> def render_form(self):
> self.form.render()
> my_element = MyElementFormAdapter(FORM)
> my_element.render_form()
> my_element.form.method_on_form()
> Advantages include being more simple and obvious than multiple
> inheritance, and avoiding namespace clashes:
> class A(object):
> def foo(self):
> print 'a'
> class B(object):
> def foo(self):
> print 'b'
> class InheritFromAB(A, B):
> pass
> class AdaptAB(object):
> def __init__(self, a, b):
> self.a = a
> self.b = b
> >>> inherit = InheritFromAB()
> >>>
> a
> >>> adapt = AdaptAB(A(), B())
> >>>
> a
> >>>
> b
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