socketserver.BaseRequestHandler and socketserver.StreamRequestServer docs
lipska the kat
lipskathekat at
Thu Aug 9 11:15:33 EDT 2012
First of all sincere apologies if this is blindingly obvious and I just
missed it
In the documentation at
mention is made more than once of a class
in the examples in this chapter we see usage examples for
I am trying to find documentation for these two classes as I would like
to use the former and, well I'd just like to learn more aout the latter.
I've looked in the general index and used Google. The problem is that
however hard I look I just cannot find it !!!
In Eclipse I have the entire standard library mounted on an explorer
node. When I find I can navigate to the
BaseRequestHandler and StreamRequestHandler classes
but I can't find the (documented) class [socketserver].RequestHandler
class in nor can I find any explicit documentation for
the classes socketserver.StreamRequestHandler
and socketserver.BaseRequestHandler.
I'm probably being INCREDIBLY dense here but what am I missing ?
Incidently if I read the code for these two classes I CAN understand
what they do but this is not always the case and anyway, how many other
potentially useful classes are lurking undocumented in the library
This is NOT intended as a criticism but it is frustrating.
many thanks
Lipska the Kat: Troll hunter, sandbox destroyer
and farscape dreamer of Aeryn Sun
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