socketserver.BaseRequestHandler and socketserver.StreamRequestServer docs
lipska the kat
lipskathekat at
Thu Aug 9 14:37:31 EDT 2012
On 09/08/12 18:39, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Aug 2012 16:15:33 +0100, lipska the kat
> <lipskathekat at> declaimed the following in
> gmane.comp.python.general:
>> in the examples in this chapter we see usage examples for
>> socketserver.BaseRequestHandler
> So far as I can tell, all RequestHandler objects are covered in
> section "20.19.3 RequestHandler Objects"
Yes, I know, I've read it. Thank you.
> There is no "RequestHandler" class. The section is general to all
> RequestHandler OBJECTS (Base, Stream, and Datagram).
Yes I know, I've read Thank you.
Why do I find myself getting annoyed here ?
This is hard work but I'll try again.
socketserver.RequestHandler is EXPLICITLY documented in section "20.19.3
RequestHandler Objects" yet does not exist in
Does this not strike you as odd. I certainly strikes me as odd. Maybe it
should be socketserver.BaseRequestHandler that is documented here.
The CLASSES socketserver.StreamRequestHandler and
socketserver.DatagramRequestHandler are DEFINED in
They are NOT Objects, they are CLASSES yet they are NOT EXPLICITLY
documented in section 20.19.3 or any other section as far as I can tell.
This is the question I was asking. I am quite capable of extracting the
slightly obtuse documentation in the section and confirming my
assumptions by reading the code.
So, I'll try again.
Is there anywhere that documents EXPLICITLY all the publicly visible
classes in the standard library.
If there is I'd be most grateful if you could point me to it as I can't
find it
If there isn't how does one go about
contributing to the documentation.
Thank you for taking the time to reply
Lipska the Kat: Troll hunter, sandbox destroyer
and farscape dreamer of Aeryn Sun
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