socketserver.BaseRequestHandler and socketserver.StreamRequestServer docs
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at
Thu Aug 9 15:45:56 EDT 2012
On 8/9/2012 1:39 PM, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Aug 2012 16:15:33 +0100, lipska the kat
> <lipskathekat at> declaimed the following in
> gmane.comp.python.general:
>> in the examples in this chapter we see usage examples for
>> socketserver.BaseRequestHandler
> So far as I can tell, all RequestHandler objects are covered in
> section "20.19.3 RequestHandler Objects"
>> In Eclipse I have the entire standard library mounted on an explorer
>> node. When I find I can navigate to the
>> BaseRequestHandler and StreamRequestHandler classes
>> but I can't find the (documented) class [socketserver].RequestHandler
>> class in nor can I find any explicit documentation for
>> the classes socketserver.StreamRequestHandler
>> and socketserver.BaseRequestHandler.
> There is no "RequestHandler" class. The section is general to all
> RequestHandler OBJECTS (Base, Stream, and Datagram).
> Stream and Datagram request handlers are subclasses of Base, in
> which the setup/finish methods handle the creation/destruction of
> "file-like" attributes -- allowing one to just do read/write operations
> within the core handle() method, instead of having to be concerned with
> the type of connection and performing actual socket recv()/send()
> operations. They are documented in the second paragraph of the .handle()
> method in sectin 20.19.3
> In all cases, you are responsible for providing the contents of the
> handle() method.
I think the doc can be improved a bit and opened an issue to "Improve
socketserver doc"
Terry Jan Reedy
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