suggesting a launcher wrapper script for portable python
Mark Lawrence
breamoreboy at
Sun Aug 12 15:52:54 EDT 2012
On 12/08/2012 01:49, Gelonida N wrote:
> I just started looking at portable Python and was rather surprised, that
> I didn't find any recommended method in the documentation of how to
> launch scripts with portable python.
> Creating py2exe scripts on ones own USB drive seems to be kind of overkill.
> So here my own thoughts / suggestsions.
> I'm interestted in feedback of how others use portable pythons
> and how they run their scripts from a USB stick.
> Let's assume I install portable python on my USB drive and then I'd like
> to store self written python scripts on this drive.
> It would of course be greate if I could just click on the script and
> they'd be started.
> However under windows this would not be the case.
> The python script would either not be started at all or if the PC had
> his own python installed, then the script would be started with the PC's
> version of python.
> Thus a tiny wrapper script would be needed.
> Suggestion:
> --------------
> The current directory structore for portable python (2.7) is (assuming
> that %PP% is the base directory)
> %PP%/Python-Portable.exe # launches the python interactive shell
> %PP%/PyScripter-Portable.exe # launches some IDE
> %PP%/App
> Let's assume I add two more directories:
> %PP%/myscripts # location of all callable scripts
> %PP%/launchers # location with icons one can click on
> # to start the scripts in myscripts
> if I wrote a script named %PP%/myscripts/,
> and I created an aproprriate named %PP%/launchers/test1.bat
> then I could just click on test1.bat and the Python script
> would be started. If the wrapper script is written properly, then it can
> look at its own base name and call the related python script.
> If I dragged and dropped some filenames on the bat file, then they would
> be passed to sys.argv of the script.
> Running the script from command line would also work and the present
> working directory would be preserved (which might be useful in some cases)
> If the script name would not be .py, but .pyw then it woudl be started
> with pythonw.
> T
> Below suggested script:
> @echo off
> =========================================================================
> REM script to start a python file with portable python
> =========================================================================
> REM basepath of this .bat file
> set basepath=%~dp0
> REM create the name of the python file related to this bat file
> REM Unfortunately I do not know how to normalyze %pyfile%,
> REM so we got stuck with the '..'
> set pyfile=%basepath%..\myscripts\
> If EXIST "%pyfile%" (
> REM a normal console python file with .py suffix
> "%basepath%\..\App\python.exe" "%pyfile%" %*
> ) ELSE (
> If EXIST "%pyfile%w" (
> REM a non console python file with .pyw suffix
> start "" "%basepath%\..\App\pythonw.exe" "%pyfile%w" %*
> ) ELSE (
> REM found neither a .py nor a .pyw file
> echo found no python file %pyfile%
> )
> )
> =========================================================================
> REM end of script
> =========================================================================
> One minor drawback of my suggested script would be, that a console
> window pops up for a few seconds when starting a .pyw file.
> This could be avoided by using either a small compiled C-file (which
> sounds like overkill though)
> or by writing a windows scripting host .wsf file.
> However I don't know this well enough to replicate my batch file.
> AN article on SO mentions how to write such a script.
> However it does not parse command line arguments nor does it
> automatically determine the scripts file name.
> So any help for creating a .wsf file starting a .pyw file with command
> line arguments would be appreciated.
> An alternativce approach could be to provide a scipt named
> mk_wrapper.bat
> If one drags and drops a python script on it, then an apropriate wrapper
> file would be created in the launcher directory.
> If well done, then this could be implemented such, that the script may
> be located in an arbitrary location on the same USB drive.
> I think it would be great if the official portable python release
> contained some upport for launching scripts.
> Perhaps it exists alrady and I just didn't find it?
> If not,then I wouldn't mind if my script or a similiar sand a related
> README.txt cript were added to the official release
This might be a complete waste of time but can you use the new windows
launcher described here ???
Mark Lawrence.
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