[OT] Posting under ones full name
Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn
PointedEars at web.de
Wed Aug 15 07:54:13 EDT 2012
Chris Angelico wrote:
> Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn wrote:
>> Chris Angelico wrote:
>>> I have my surname in my From address, but I tend to sign my posts
>>> "ChrisA" (no relation, btw, to DaveA, though our surnames are
>>> similar). That's generally been sufficient for distinguishing
>>> purposes, though if anyone wants a truly unique handle for me,
>>> "Rosuav" is more effective than my real name.
>> For one to read your signature, one has to download and read your entire
>> posting first.
> And my signature has less information than the headers. So you're not
> deprived of anything.
With NNTP and IMAP4 it is possible to retrieve only the message header.
Therefore, messages are easier to filter by message header than by message
body. So the former is done, to keep one's input stream's S/N high.
>>> Though I'm now not so sure about your name, PointedEars. Are you a
>>> Vulcan or an elf?
>> That is a stupid question.
> Of course, my bad. The difference is obvious, I should have known
> which without asking.
F'up2 PointedEars
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