Strange behavior
Virgil Stokes
vs at
Thu Aug 16 16:09:09 EDT 2012
On 16-Aug-2012 19:40, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 13:18:59 +0200, Virgil Stokes wrote:
>> On 15-Aug-2012 02:19, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>>> On Tue, 14 Aug 2012 21:40:10 +0200, Virgil Stokes wrote:
>>>> You might find the following useful:
>>>> def testFunc(startingList):
>>>> xOnlyList = []; j = -1
>>>> for xl in startingList:
>>>> if (xl[0] == 'x'):
>>> That's going to fail in the starting list contains an empty string. Use
>>> xl.startswith('x') instead.
>> Yes, but this was by design (tacitly assumed that startingList was both
>> a list and non-empty).
> As Peter already pointed out, I said it would fail if the list contains
> an empty string, not if the list was empty.
>>>> xOnlyList.append(xl)
>>>> else:
>>>> j += 1
>>>> startingList[j] = xl
>>> Very cunning, but I have to say that your algorithm fails the "is this
>>> obviously correct without needing to study it?" test. Sometimes that is
>>> unavoidable, but for something like this, there are simpler ways to
>>> solve the same problem.
>> Sorry, but I do not sure what you mean here.
> In a perfect world, you should be able to look at a piece of code, read
> it once, and see whether or not it is correct. That is what I mean by
> "obviously correct". For example, if I have a function that takes an
> argument, doubles it, and prints the result:
> def f1(x):
> print(2*x)
> that is obviously correct. Whereas this is not:
> def f2(x):
> y = (x + 5)**2 - (x + 4)**2
> sys.stdout.write(str(y - 9) + '\n')
> because you have to study it to see whether or not it works correctly.
> Not all programs are simple enough to be obviously correct. Sometimes you
> have no choice but to write something which requires cleverness to get
> the right result. But this is not one of those cases. You should almost
> always prefer simple code over clever code, because the greatest expense
> in programming (time, effort and money) is to make code correct.
> Most code does not need to be fast. But all code needs to be correct.
> [...]
>> This can meet the requirement that startingList is modified in place via
>> the call to this function (see the attached code).
> Good grief! See, that's exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about.
> Without *detailed* study of your attached code, how can I possibly know
> what it does or whether it does it correctly?
Very strange question? Perhaps, you should work on understanding code that you
have not written, or maybe you should learn more about Python, or.... I really
don't know how to help you with this question.
> Your timing code calculates the mean using a recursive algorithm. Why
> don't you calculate the mean the standard way: add the numbers and divide
> by the total? What benefit do you gain from a more complicated algorithm
> when a simple one will do the job just as well?
A lot of questions that suggest you have not made much of an effort to answer
them yourself. Try a little numerical analysis/research before asking such
questions (This is how you often respond to others on this list who would like
help --- try apply your advice to other to yourself. I will give you a start:
* Knuth, D. E. (1998) /The Art of Computer Programming vol. 2: Seminumerical
Algorithms/ /(3rd edition)/. Addison-Wesley, Boston.
[hint: study p. 232]
* Welford, B. P. (1962) Note on a method for calculating sums of squares and
products. T/echnometrics/ *4*(3).
[hint: pp. 419-420]
> You have spent a lot of effort creating a complicated, non-obvious piece
> of timing code, with different random seeds for each run, and complicated
> ways of calculating timing statistics... but unfortunately the most
> important part of any timing test, the actually *timing*, is not done
> correctly. Consequently, your code is not correct.
How do you know how much effort I used? Code "non-obvious" and "complicated" for
you does not mean that this is also true for others. Could you please be more
specific --- saying code is not correct without providing details is not very
useful. I did say in an earlier email in reference to my code "if there are any
errors in my attached code please inform me of them and I will try to correct
them as soon as possible".
> With an average time of a fraction of a second, none of those timing
> results are trustworthy, because they are vulnerable to interference from
> other processes, the operating system, and other random noise.
Please explain what you mean by the timing results not being trustworthy and how
this vulnerability works --- in detail please.
> You spend
> a lot of time processing the timing results, but it is Garbage In,
> Garbage Out -- the results are not trustworthy, and if they are correct,
> it is only by accident.
Fantastic --- a lot of criticism but little that can be helpful. What
specifically is the "Garbage In"?
> Later in your post, you run some tests, and are surprised by the result:
>> Why is algorithm-2A slower than algorithm-2?
> It isn't slower. It is physically impossible, since 2A does *less* work
> than 2.
Please provide results (with code) that show that it does less work and what
exactly does "work" mean in the context of execution of code? Sorry, but I am
not familiar with the use of "work" in the context of code timing (as you use it
> This demonstrates that you are actually taking a noisy
> measurement: the values you get have random noise, and you don't make any
> effort to minimise that noise. Hence GIGO.
What noise are you referring to --- be specific please (a reference to this
noise would be greatly appreciated).
> The right way to test small code snippets is with the timeit module. It
> is carefully written to overcome as much random noise as possible. But
> even there, the authors of the timeit module are very clear that you
> should not try to calculate means, let alone higher order statistics like
> standard deviation.
Please provide a reference to the authors and their document where they actually
state "that you should not try to calculate means, let alone higher order
statistics like standard deviation ". I have never seen this statement; but, I
may have missed it. And I don't believe that standard deviation is a "higher
order statistic" --- again a reference to your claim would be greatly appreciated.
> The only statistic which is trustworthy is to run as
> many trials as you can afford, and select the minimum value.
Provide a reference please, since this is not in agreement with
* Law, A. M. and Kelton, W. D. (2000) /Simulation Modeling and Analysis (3rd
edition)/. McGraw-Hill, New York.
> So here is my timing code, which is much shorter and simpler and doesn't
> try to do too much. You do need to understand the timeit.Timer class:
I am very familiar with timeit, but this does not mean that it is mandatory nor
does it mean that it is always more precise.
> timeit.Timer creates a timer object; timer.repeat does the actual timing.
> The specific arguments to them are not vital to understand, but you can
> read the documentation if you wish to find out what they mean.
> First, I define the two functions. I compare similar functions that have
> the same effect. Neither modifies the input argument in place. Copy and
> paste the following block into an interactive interpreter:
> # Start block
> def f1(startingList):
> return ([x for x in startingList if x[0] == 'x'],
> [x for x in startingList if x[0] != 'x'])
> # Note that the above function is INCORRECT, it will fail if a string is
> # empty; nevertheless I will use it for timing purposes anyway.
It is not incorrect if there is no empty strings, no empty list, etc. --- which
was by design (read my previous email and code). I had no intent of covering
every possible exception.
> def f2(startingList):
> words_without_x = []
> words_with_x = []
> for word in startingList:
> if word.startswith('x'):
> words_with_x.append(word)
> else:
> words_without_x.append(word)
> return (words_with_x, words_without_x)
> # Set up some test data. There's no point being too clever about this.
> # Keep it simple.
> import random
> data = ['aa', 'bb', 'cb', 'xa', 'xb', 'xc']*1000000
> random.shuffle(data)
> # Set up two timers.
> from timeit import Timer
> setup = "from __main__ import data, f1, f2"
> t1 = Timer("a, b = f1(data)", setup)
> t2 = Timer("a, b = f2(data)", setup)
> # and run the timers
> best1 = min(t1.repeat(number=1, repeat=10))
> best2 = min(t2.repeat(number=1, repeat=10))
> # End block
> On my computer, here are the results. Yours may differ.
> best1: 3.5199968814849854
> best2: 3.515479803085327
> No significant difference. And that is to be expected: the bulk of the
> time is spent building up two lists of three million items each.
I am aware of this and I have never claimed "significant difference". I have
only showed the results from the MC simulation code that it open for inspection
and correction.
> So let's run it again with less data:
> data = data[:10000]
> best1 = min(t1.repeat(number=200, repeat=10))/200
> best2 = min(t2.repeat(number=200, repeat=10))/200
> which gives results:
> best1: 0.0037816047668457033
> best2: 0.005841898918151856
> The double list comp solution is faster, but it's also incorrect -- it
> fails if there is an empty string in the list. What happens if we replace
> it with a version that doesn't have the empty string bug?
> def f1(startingList):
> return ([x for x in startingList if x.startswith('x')],
> [x for x in startingList if not x.startswith('x')])
> best1 = min(t1.repeat(number=200, repeat=10))/200
> best2 = min(t2.repeat(number=200, repeat=10))/200
> which gives these results:
> best1: 0.008604295253753662
> best2: 0.005863149166107178
> So there's the first lesson: it's easy to be fast if you don't mind
> writing buggy code.
"First lesson" on what?
Clearly, you do not understand the basics of MC simulation and analysis of
outputs from such simulations. And your usage of buggy code is very odd.
According to how you use this term then your code is buggy since it would fail
if your function argument was not a list --- I am just using your logic. I am
not trying to write code that check for every possibility --- this was not my
purpose. I do not understand why this is not clear to you.
> Can we do better? Try this:
> def f3(startingList):
> words_with_x = []
> words_without_x = []
> append_with = words_with_x.append
> append_without = words_without_x.append
> for word in iter(startingList):
> if word[:1] == 'x':
> append_with(word)
> else:
> append_without(word)
> return (words_with_x, words_without_x)
> t3 = Timer('a, b = f3(data)', 'from __main__ import f3, data')
> best3 = min(t3.repeat(number=200, repeat=10))/200
> And the result:
> best3: 0.0033271098136901855
> which is even faster than your original version.
> Or is it? No, I can't conclude that. The difference between the original
> f1 function (0.00378s) and my f3 function (0.00332s) is too small to be
> sure it is real from just ten trials of each. A better statistician than
> me could probably estimate the number of trials needed to be confident
> that one is better than the other.
So you are a statistician (I have my doubts)? Where did you get your degree(s)
in statistics?
> But then, with a difference that small, who cares? In the real world, a
> difference that small is lost in the noise. Because of the noise,
> probably 50% of the time the slower code will finish first.
You seem to like to use the term noise --- please define it in the context of
timing program execution. I am sure that there are many programmers who would
like to know more about this type of noise and a reference (in a peer reviewed
book or journal) to this noise would be very useful.
> [...]
>> Suppose words was not a list --- you have tacitly assumed that words is
>> a list.
> Actually, no I have not. I have assumed it is an iterable object, such as
> a list, a tuple, or an iterator. So what? You have done the same thing.
> Doing an isinstance type check at the beginning of both functions will
> just slow them both down by the same amount.
I agree! But clearly this implies you have "buggy" code since you have not
excluded the possibility that the argument must be a list and you have not
stated /a priori/ that the argument must be a list --- try running any of this
code (mine, Peter's or yours) with the argument being a complex number, for
example --- obviously they will fail. But this does not mean they are "buggy"
at least IMHO. Perhaps, it would be better to state that they are not written to
handle exceptions.
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